They have enshrined Mishima daimyojin at Inadume Shrine since 7 century, the age of Suiko empress.It is reported that when Takayama Ukon attacked Okura-dani castle during the Battles of Miki it was burned down.It is said that Hidari Jingoro made the carving of the gate. From inside we can see the carving which Susane-no-mikoto was attacking a big snake.They enshrined Kotoshiro-no-Okami who was a son of Okunimushi-no-Mikoto at Hamaebisu Shrine and maved it from the beach of Okura to the place on the main building of Inazume Shrine’s east. They told that when people went fishing with an object of worship of Hamaebisu Shrine they caught much.

Akashi heritage-map “Okura” 2014

It is still remaining