桜町の白雲社(冊子城下42)の隣に、和風旅館があります。腰は杉の縦板張で壁は漆喰塗りです。窓に施してある木製の格子の細工が美しいです。ホテルがなかった頃は、街なかには小さな和風旅館 がいくつもありました。
31.A Japanese-style loading in douwntown
There is a Japanese-style loading next to Shirakumo Shrine in Sakura-machi, see the booklet of “The south area from Akashi Castle 42. Its waist-high wall is paneled with ceder board upright and upper wall is finished with plaster. The wooden latticework of the windows is beautiful. In those days, since we had no hotel, there were many small Japanese-style loadings in downtown.