長林寺は「浜薬師」を本尊とし、南北朝期の古い石造物も確認されています。一方、岩屋神社には、 薬師如来の化身ともいわれる「牛頭天王」が祀られています。この 2つの社寺は道を隔てて対をなしています。
19.Yakushi, the Buddha of Healing, and Tennno Shrine Tenno, the master of sixth God’s territory
The main image of Chorin-ji temple is Hama Yakushi, Yakushi on the beach, and the temple has stoneworks made in the middle of 14 century, On the other hand, in Iwaya Shrine, they enshrine Gozu Tenno, Ox headed God, as Yakushi incarnate. There is a wide road between the temple and the shrine.