岩屋神社からまっすぐ海へ向かう参道の途中に対の石燈籠があります。燈籠には寛政十ニ(1800) 年九月の文字が記してあります。当時の十三代城主松平直周の時より、岩屋明神の神輿の家中への練り込みが許されました。
21.Stone lanterns on the approach fo the shrine
A pair of stone lanterns erects across the approach that heads for the beach from Iwaya Shrine. The words “Kansei, the year of 12, September” are carved on them. It was in the year of 1800. Matsudaira Naochika, the 13th feudal lord of the Akashi domain, permitted the sacred portable shrine of Iwaya God to march through the town.