
手前より服部邸、卯月邸 撮影年:2014年








The drum warehouse ⑪, Hattori house ⑨ and Uduki house ⑧ stand in a row at Okura-hachiman-cho.
Hattori house, Uduki house and old Oshio house were designated as the Akashi city Urban Scenery forming Important Architecture Since they are town houses in a row which remain the trace of the town serving as a stage along the old Saigoku Highway.
The character of townhouse at Okura is wooden two story zushi building and hirairi entrance (Wooden two story building whose second floor is lower than usual and the front door is parallel to its ridge beam. The wainscot of the first floor outer wall is upright paneling and the second floor outer wall is plastered. They have mushiko mado, maruta yarai and udatsu. People thought that they should not have looked down the Load from second floor, so they made the second floor lower. We see it one story building. The mushiko-mado is the lattice window of second floor and plastered.
The maruta-yarai is fixed to protect the house from the portable shrine passing through on the festival day.

厨子二階の虫籠窓 撮影年:2014年


丸太矢来 撮影年:2014年

近隣駐車場 大蔵海岸東駐車場より 西北へ徒歩6分
トイレ   大蔵海岸東駐車場に市民トイレがあります。

手前より服部邸、卯月邸 撮影年:2023年

現況 現在も西国街道沿いに残存しています。

丸太矢来 撮影日:2023年

現況 現在も西国街道沿いに残存しています。
