公会堂の杮落し講演に来た夏目漱石は前日の明治 44(1911)年8月12日に衝濤館に泊まりました。日記には「庭先三間の所に三尺程の石垣あり、波が其外でじゃぶじゃぶといふ」と記しています。桧皮や銅板、手摺など今でも往時を偲ぶことができます。
41.The lodging Natsume Soseki stayed at
Natsume Soseki stayed at the Shotokan hotel for the talk of the opening performance of
Nakasaki Auditorium on the next day on 12 August 1911. He wrote his diary about that
there was about 90 centimeter high stone parapet at had made slashing sounds from across. The bark roofing of remind us the post.